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What is Vitamin D? Where does it come from? Why is it so important? Should I be taking Vitamin D supplements?

There are many questions that people have regarding Vitamin D, as well as many other vitamins. Here is a little about Vitamin D.

Vitamin D can be found in a few different foods, however “80-90% of what the body gets – is obtained through exposure to sunlight.” Although many of us love to be outside in sunny Arizona, the risk of skin cancer increases as well as aging skin when we soak in those rays. I am sure I speak for most of us in that we don’t want to age quicker than necessary. Right?

A recent review from Loyola University suggests an association between Vitamin D deficiency and chronic disease associated with aging such as cognitive decline, depression, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and cancer. This evidence review reaffirms the pivotal role of Vitamin D to prevent and treat aging

In our practice, located in The Valley of The Sun, virtually all of our patients are deficient or low in Vitamin D.

This vitamin really acts more like a hormone, with many diverse actions.

The best way to decide the dose to supplement is to measure the Vitamin D level. Don’t guess about your friend Vitamin D. The option of basking in the sun increases aging and increases the risk of skin cancer.


Be Smart, Use Sunscreen, Be Healthy and Get Checked!